Here are 10 ways to be fuel-smart in 2019
With January dragging on like there is no end in sight, the Isuzu Truck Centre team decided it might be time to share our top ten tips on being fuel smart in 2019. Here's some insight from SA's foremost trucking experts:
- Streamline your day. If you need to get a few errands sorted, try to do so in one trip. A 'cold' truck uses more fuel for the first 10km of any given trip.
- Try to plan your trips to miss rush hour in any cities you may encounter on your route. First and second gear are heavy on fuel, so you ideally want to stick to steady, even speeds throughout your journey.
- Avoid open windows when you're at speed on the high way. Wind drag makes your vehicle more expensive to run, so rather put on the A/C on the open road.
- Remove roof racks and other unused roof-bound storage containers to ensure that your rig is as aerodynamic as possible.
- Keep your vehicle clear of needless clutter and equipment to ensure that you're not adding needless weight that has to be lugged around.
- If you want to adjust your speed for fuel-efficiency, aim for between 80 - 90 km/h in your top gear. This is the sweet spot.
- Rather drop into a lower gear than pushing the accelerator down too far when you're travelling at speed.
- Don't leave the A/C running needlessly - only put it on when the temperature becomes unpleasant.
- The speed limit is your friend. If you don't want to be calculating fuel efficiency continuously, stick to it.
- Don't let your tyre pressure run low - it makes your vehicle less fuel efficient.
These are 10 ways to be fuel-smart in 2019. Keep an eye on the blog in coming weeks and months as we share more expert advice on making the most of your auto-related investments. In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about the fuel-efficient ITC models we have in stock, feel free to get in touch with one of our knowledgeable representatives.